Thursday, July 9, 2015

.Kennedy Grace, 2 Months.

Two whole months with our little angel {as of the 30th}! My, my how fast time has passed. I should have known since my pregnancy went by in a blink of an eye. It's such a funny thing because a piece of me wants her to stay tiny and cuddle with her all day everyday, but then on the other hand it so neat watching her change before our eyes!! She really does change every single day. I want to start a series on here where I document her month by month till she's one so I don't forget anything!!

This month was a blast. Overall I feel like we are all really vibing and getting into a rythmn. Kennedy is such a happy baby! Except for when she's hungry then she looses it, haha. Girlfriend gives a whole new definition to hangry :) She's so easy going and is great when we are out and about. We just had her at dinner tonight and she was just hanging out with all of us. We feel so blessed! This month she started giving us real smiles. They are the best and really melt my heart every time she flashes those gums at me! My absolute favorite is every morning when I go to get her out of her bassinet I talk to her and she gives me a giant smile! She also became so alert this month. She makes eye contact and will follow you when you walk away or move to the other side of the room.

{Weight/Length/Clothing Size}

11 pounds 11 ounces & 22 inches.
She had her well baby check up on the 30th so we got to find out her exact stats. I thought she weighed 12 pounds so I wasn't far off. Around the middle of the month she grew out of all of her newborn clothes. I sadly had to pack it all up!! I was holding up her onsies and it really was blowing my mind that she was that tiny last month. She was 6 pounds 14 ounces when we brought her home!! She's wearing 0-3 & 3 months now. A couple of her 0-3 month onsies seem like their days are numbered haha. I have noticed though that it really depends on the brand! She is wearing size 1 diapers and I am loving pampers swaddlers and hating huggies :)


We made so much progress in the sleep department this month. Thank goodness! I feel like I was a zombie the first 6 weeks of her life. She really wasn't sleeping more than 1 1/2 hours at a time and took 30 minute cat naps. Now we about 3 1/2 to 4 hours at night. When she wakes up I feed her, change her diaper then she's back down right away. It's amazing! She even gave us one night where she only woke up once and it was in the early morning. You truly have no idea how precious sleep is until it's gone. My Keurig became my bestie!!

{Features: Hair, Eyes}

I'm sure you have noticed that this girl was born with SO much hair!! I love it because I can put bows in it :) She really hasn't lost any of it, just a tiny bit on the sides. It has lightened up quite a bit in the last month. Her eyes also seem to lighten on a daily basis. They are super blue and really just gorgeous!

{Monthly Milestones}

She is getting so good at tummy time and can really hold her head up now. She is such a strong girl!! She also scoots so much and made it half way across her mat while we were doing tummy time the other night. Her new favorite is when we help her stand. She loves to just stand there and look around at everything! She's also talking to us now. She grunts {a lot} and is cooing. I totally have full on converstations with her lol! Another exciting first was when we took her in the pool for the first time. It was pretty quick, but she loved it!!


This girl loves to eat so much I feel like it should have its own catergory! She is exclusively being fed breast milk. I pump and she takes it in a bottle. We only use the Dr. Brown bottles because of gas issues. The first month of Kennedy's life she had such bad gas and was constantly in pain. I had to give up dairy and now she barely has any issues!! It's rare that she has gas. Praise the lord. I would never eat cheese again if it meant she wasn't in pain.

{Kennedy Loves}...

Cuddling with Mommy & Daddy
Bath time, I really think this may be her favorite thing! She could hang out for hours splashing around.
Her binky, but only when she's tired or in her car seat
Music time with Mommy
Tummy time, this may be her least favorite, but she's really starting to like it
Looking at Daddy when he's wearing his glasses
When we talk to her in funny voices or when we make weird/funny noises
Getting her clothes changed
Going for rides in the car or going on walks
Going shopping with Mommy
Her mamaroo {she usually falls asleep at least once a day in it}
Her rock n play, this is the only way she'll sleep!
When we help her stand, this is really her new favorite!

{Kennedy Does NOT Love}....

Being hungry!!
Being in her car seat if she's not moving
laying flat on her back...getting better at this
Gas Medicine {But her face she makes when she gets it is adorable!}

I could go on and on about her for hours! I really don't want to forget a single thing. She truly is the best thing that has ever happened to us. She's our little piece of heaven :)

XOXO, Kayla

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