Friday, July 8, 2016

.Neon Tassels & Friday Favs.

Blouse, c/o Shein {wearing a medium} // Shorts, Charlotte Russe {only $15!} // MRS Necklace, Kate Spade // Sunnies, Karen Walker  {40% off!!}

How fun is this top?! I posted a picture of it on Snapchat last week when I got it in the mail and it was hands down the most asked about snap! You girls went crazy for it. How could you not though? It's the perfect top for summer with the vibrant neon tassels! Tassels have officially taken over my closet and I'm not even mad about it. Something else I'm not mad about is the price. This top is just under $20, holla ;) 

I thought it would be fun to share a couple items, that just so happen to be mostly beauty, favorites with you all. I always love hearing about what others are loving, so hopefully you do too!

First, I am seriously obsessed with this top coat!! Doing my own at home manicures has always been a favorite of mine. It's something that I do to unwind. A glass of wine, a good show, and a fresh mani is basically a cheap form of therapy in my eyes. All these years I have been religiously using this top coat. I still love it, but last week during our Target run, I decided to mix things up! I randomly picked up this gel setter formula hoping that it would be great. It's better than great, guys! Seriously, it's pretty amazing! It gives the shine of a salon gel manicure, dries fast, and my nails lasted 5 days without one chip! I highly recommend picking up a bottle and giving it a try! 

My second beauty item that I've been loving this week is this MAC mascara. I ordered a couple  beauty products from Nordstrom a few weeks back and they included a handful of free samples. This mascara happened to be one of them. I have a current mascara routine that I'm happy with right now, so I was a little reluctant at first. I think I have also mentioned on here too, that I am VERY picky when it comes to mascara. Lashes are my jam and besides brows, the one thing I won't compromise on. But, clearly Nordstrom knew what they were doing when they included this sample because I will be buying the full size mascara when I run out! 

The last thing I have been madly in love with for a couple weeks now, is this Kiehls lotion. It was actually one of the products I ordered from Nordstrom that came with the free samples. I have been a long time fan of this body creme from Kiehls and pretty much anything they make. I have sensitive skin so I like to use natural face & body products. I have mentioned before that when I got pregnant, one of the lovely side effects I developed was eczema. I don't have an extreme case, but I get it on my legs and it drives me crazyyyy!!! Nothing seems to work, except this lotion that basically got rid of it. It's magic and I love it and will continue to buy it by the gallon :)

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Xo, Kayla 

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