Wednesday, May 10, 2017

.Mother's Day, What Motherhood Has Taught Me.


 {look at that sass!!}

Photo Credit: Samantha Dimock Photography

Dress, c/o Shein || Heels, Target || Bracelets, Baublebar, J.Crew

Kennedy: Dress || Bow  

Motherhood is something I feel so blessed to experience because there was a time that I thought I wouldn't get to be a mom. But can we be honest for a minute? It's down right hard!! They aren't kidding when they say it's the hardest job you'll ever have. They also weren't kidding when they said it would be the most rewarding. 

There are times in the middle of the simplest days that Kennedy will run up and hug me and say in her little voice" lubbb you" and I melt. She the sweetest little girl that ever lived. She makes me proud to be her mom and that I get to experience all the joys of motherhood with her. 

It's funny to think back to my first Mother's Day, which was two years ago. Kennedy was only 10 days old and we were soooo sleep deprived and trying to figure out how to keep her alive! I wish that I could have told that brand new mama to relax. To enjoy the every second, that she wasn't going to accidentally drop her baby (that was a real fear I had), that one day she would get to sleep again, and that it really goes too fast! 

The funny thing is, I'm sure a couple years from now, there will be a bunch of things I wish I could tell myself now.  I have learned so many strengths I didn't know I had (like functioning off NO sleep, lol), I would battle with fears I didn't know I had, and I would get to experience a love I didn't even know existed! 

Mother's Day means so much more to me now. I've always loved celebrating my mom, because she's amazing, but now I truly appreciate everything she has done for me. There's is no love like a mom's love for their child!! 

To celebrate all you amazing moms, I have teamed up with my blogger besties & a bunch of our favorite shops to giveaway an amazing prize!! There's even a $150 Target gift card, need I say more?! All the details are below on how to enter. I've also linked up all the other wonderful mamas & their Motherhood motto! Head to their blogs to read all about their journeys. 

{Last year's Mother Day Post! My how my baby has grown!!}

Xo, Kayla

Daily Dose of Darling: Instagram || Facebook || Pinterest

"Your greatest contribution to this world may not be necessarily what you do, but someone you raise. Changing the world starts with within your household." - Hannah of Brave Blonde

"Motherhood isn't about having a picture perfect home with spotless floors & perfect little ones running around... Motherhood is about loving on your crying baby at 3am, changing the millionth dirty diaper, & enjoying the sweet and very real moments that come along with being a mama... I'm just enjoying the journey of motherhood because these babies of ours sure won't be little like this for long." - Kasey of Thee Girl in Yellow

"For me, being a mama is all about doing whatever it takes. Whether it's figuring out how to survive with a baby who doesn't sleep, or balancing work and motherhood, we all have to do what works best for our babies and our families. We are all doing the best we can, and no one is ever going to agree with everything you do (and that's ok!). You do you mama!" - Lindsay of Middle of Somewhere

"Motherhood for me is complete selflessness. I'm not the focus, my children are. Motherhood is all about never giving up the struggle. It's a struggle everyday but a beautiful and fulfilling one. When you tell yourself never to give up that's when the real beauty of a mom is shown. We fight the good fight of surviving the hard days and the good days. It's the only job in the world I never want to quit!" - Alia of Little Mrs. Priss

"Motherhood is a personal journey that looks different for everyone. It's important for women to learn what their core beliefs are so they can incorporate them into their parenting style + daily routine. My motherhood motto is find who you are as a mom and be that, everyone else is already taken. Find your top 5 parenting values, thrive on those and don't fret too much about the rest." - Lindsey of Lindsey Lee & Co

"My motherhood motto is support and patience. It's about allowing your tiny human to find their own way, while guiding them down the right path. Then to not lose your "you know what" when they don't make the right choice." - Megan of The Fashionista Momma

"Motherhood is a marathon not a sprint. I've learned to just do the best I can and to not be so hard on myself. There is no such thing as a perfect mom." - Andrea of With Love... Andrea

"For me, motherhood is about balance, grace, and love. Raising tiny humans is so hard and not at all glamorous, but it is also beautiful, amazing, and so rewarding. At the end of the day you just have to see the beauty in it all, give yourself grace, and embrace it. Amidst all the chaos, motherhood is a joyous journey." Jessica of Mama Essentials

"Motherhood in the last two years has taught me strengths I didn't know I had, fears I didn't know I could have, but most of all a love that I didn't know existed!! Motherhood is a wild and crazy ride that I feel so blessed to experience." - Kayla from A Darling Dream

"Motherhood is so many things, but the one word that encompasses it all for me is selfless. A mothers life is dedicated to loving and raising her children, often with little concern for herself. It is a crazy, fun, busy journey and there is nothing that has brought me more happiness in my life than my children." - Kaycee from Cordially, Kaycee

"I've only been a mom now for two years, but it has been the best two years of my life so far. Everyone always tells you when you're pregnant that your life is going to change once a baby comes, and it does, but for the better. You see this little person that you created growing each day and experiencing things for the first time and it brings you an indescribable joy to your life. Being a parent is the hardest thing I've done so far, but it is the most rewarding job I've ever had. I've had moments in my life where I wasn't sure if I wanted a child, and now that I have one I can't imagine not being able to experience such a crazy type of love for someone. Does becoming a parent change your life? Absolutely, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!" - Sarah from Sew Sarah R

"Motherhood to me is trying to be present in the wonderful moments + the chaotic moments. Whether you're present or not, time will slip right through your fingers. #YouHaveMyWholeHeartForMyWholeLife" - Stefanie from What's Up Buttarcup

These lovely ladies and I are excited to be teaming up to give away the ultimate mommy and me giveaway prize pack. Be sure to enter via the Rafflecopter below. Also, remember that the more entries, the better your chance of winning is! The giveaway is open to US residents only. It will run from 12am MST on 05/10 until 05/17. One lucky winner will receive the following:
A $150 gift card to Target
A Mother's Day gift set from All in the Cards
A 5mL bottle of Lavender essential oil from Young Living

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

.Put A Little Prep In Your Step.


Photo Credit: Samantha Dimock Photography

Dress, c/o Shein || Heels, Target || Pearls, J.Crew Factory 
 Sunnies, c/o Shop Suey Boutique

Happy Tuesday, friends! Never have I been so excited to get back to the work week and daily schedules. This past week Kennedy came down with the flu, which was absolutely awful. She was a trooper and you honestly wouldn't even have known she was sick, well besides the throw up and other fun stuff that comes along with the flu (#tmi). Once we made it through all that, Tyler got hit hard, then I got the worst of it Saturday night.  I have never been that sick in my life besides the one time I accidentally drank water in Mexico. Let's just say, I wouldn't wish that that one anyone!!

Moving along to things that are a little more glamorous ;) I have been reaching for this blue cold shoulder dress more than I would like to admit! It's such a great spring/summer dress. It's perfect for those warmer days because it's extremely lightweight without being see through. There's a simple ruffle detail at the bust that gives it a preppy feel too. I adore it paired with my favorite pearls {here}. I don't think I've ever worn it without them! 

The plan was to have Kennedy in these photos too, but she spotted a playground and it was game over! She was too busy going down the slide to be bothered haha. She also took off for the lake as soon as we got there. Taking photos with toddlers is like taking a ride on the hot mess express! It's not for the weak ;) Here's a picture to prove it.....

I'm happy to report that these heels aren't too hard to run in!!

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a fun Mother's Day Collaboration and giveaway that you don't want to miss!

Xo, Kayla

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

.Wedding Wednesday, Engagement Photos.

Floral Dress, c/o Pinkblush

It's Wedding Wednesday, our "Save The Dates" went out, so I thought what better time then now to share a handful of our engagement photos! There was SO many goods one, I didn't want to share them all at once. So here's a tease for now :) 

I have to tell you guys that taking these pictures was one of the best experiences Tyler and I have ever had! Kennedy did sneak in a couple photos, but it was mostly just him and I. It was the first time we got to take professional photos just the two of us. Our photographer, Shawna from Mr & Mrs. Wedding Duo is an absolute doll! She made us feel super relaxed and we truly just had a ball! Not to mention, I am obsessed with how they turned out! Planning a wedding while raising a toddler can be a little overwhelming at times, but this was a real treat and something we will treasure for a lifetime!

Of course when I started planning all the details for our engagement photos, one of the biggest decisions was what I was going to wear! I knew I wanted two looks and I wanted them to be very different. I wanted one dress to be white, lace, classic. I wanted the other to be a maxi or midi length, off the shoulder, and floral.

The first was not hard to find at all! I actually picked up the white dress the day after Christmas when I was shopping with my mom. It was on crazy sale and I bought it knowing it would be perfect! 

The second dress, I was stressing about! I was having the hardest time finding the perfect one!! I splurged and ordered a couple online and they ended up being horrible and getting sent right back! When I was about to give up, I remembered a favorite store of mine that always saves the day, Pinkblush!! As luck would have it, they had just got two floral, off the shoulder maxi dresses in stock!! It was love at first sight when I came across the blush version! I ordered it right then and the rest is history :) Basically Pinkblush saved the day because the dress ended up being perfect for the occasion! I love how it looks with the beach location we shot at. 
I'd love to know where you love to shop for bridal event outfits?? I have so many coming up, so I am going to need a couple!!

Thanks for stopping by,

Friday, April 7, 2017

.Off The Shoulder Pom Poms.

Blouse, c/o K. Ellis Boutique || Jeans, Sold Out {just ordered these & they're on sale!}|| Heels, Charlotte Russe {only $20 now!!} || Purse, Michael Kors || Sunnies, Karen Walker 

Happy Friday!! Can you believe it, I blogged?! To say these last couple months have been a whirlwind would be an understatement. Between balancing my new marketing job, keeping up will my {almost} two year old, planning a wedding, and possibly moving- it's been a little hectic to say the least. I have really missed blogging! It's been such a huge part of my life for the past three years and brings me a lot of joy. I have made a promise to myself to find the time. I am a lot more active on Instagram, so make sure to follow along there, if you're not already {@kotineru}.

Now onto the cutest top that I have worn in a long time! If you have been following along on Instagram, you know that off the shoulder is pretty much my uniform these days! Off the shoulder and blue & white stripes are basically taking over my closet! When I came across this top from K. Ellis Boutique, I knew I had to have it! The lightweight fabric is perfect for the warmer weather that's on it's way and the pom pom stole my heart! I love that the color is so versatile, it truly looks perfect with every color denim I have in my wardrobe! It's totally going to be on repeat this summer with distressed denim shorts too. 

Side note for other moms- I know it can be a little tough to style off the shoulder tops when you have little ones to pick up. This top also looks darling worn up on your shoulders. So you can wear it both ways, up on the shoulders for play dates & down off the shoulder for date night!! Win-win.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm off to go work on planning a certain almost two years old party.

Xo, Kayla

Sunday, February 26, 2017

.Insta Lately @kotineru.

Mug, c/o The Sister Studio || Braclets, Baublebar & J.Crew

This mug is my life lately, guys!! As we creep closer to two, the tantrums are very real! Pass the coffee and maybe a bottle of wine or two ;) In all seriousness, I pretty much use this mug every single morning lately! I love it. Sister Studio carries the cutest mugs! I currently have this one and this one on my wish list! 

Sweater, c/o Shein || Hat, Forever 21 || Floral Quilt, Little Unicorn 

We spent our Saturday evening scouting engagement photo spots. If you can't tell from Kennedy's face, this gorgeous spot was a winner! T-minus two weeks till we actually shoot them!! Side note, I'm on the hunt for a flowy, floral maxi if you have any recommendations! 

Earrings, Sugarfix || Bracelets, Baublebar & J.Crew|| Similar Jeans, Here 

My love for Target and Baublebar runs deep, so it was no surprise I love their collaboration! If you missed my Instastory, Target is now carrying a budget friendly jewelry line called 'Sugarfix'. It's gorgeous!! I seriously die for all their fun earrings! It also helps that they start at only $12.99! 

Blouse, c/o Shein || Jeans, Miss Match {obsessed!!} 
Pearls, J.Crew Factory || Purse, Michael Kors 

Ok, speaking of budget friendly pieces that I'm obsessed with, let's talk about this blouse! The sleeves, the stripes, the collar, it's just perfect! I have found every excuse to wear this blouse since I received it. My favorite is it paired with these pearls. They are the perfect pair! {For size reference, I'm wearing an XS} 

Xo, Kayla

Daily Dose of Darling: Instagram || Facebook || Pinterest 

Monday, February 6, 2017

.Little White Dress With Impressions Boutique.

Dress, c/o Shop Impressions || Heels, Forever 21 
 Sunnies, Quay || Necklace, J.Crew Factory
Clutch, Mindy Maes Market {sold out, black & white version here}
Watch, c/o Christian Paul || Bracelets, J.Crew & BaubleBar

Good Morning & Happy Monday! Or Super Monday as some are calling it. Hopefully you're not too hung over ;) We went to a really fun party to watch the game with friends and family. But if I'm being honest, I spent most my time eating delicious treats & chasing Kennedy around. Tyler claims it was the best Super Bowl game ever?! It was really fun to watch everyone's excitement towards the end. Also, how amazing was Lady Gaga? She was the real winner in my book!

 Our wedding is quickly approaching, only 235 days if anyone's counting. Along with wedding planning, I'm always outfit planning for all the events that come along with the actual wedding. I have been lusting over all things white, but most of all the little white dress. There's a certain vibe that I have been especially drawn to too. Think lace, crochet, delicate cut outs, boho, super feminine, and off the shoulder is always a bonus! I seriously can't get enough. This dress wraps all the details I'm loving into one darling dress. It would also be adorable if you have a fun date night planned for Valentine's Day next week! 

One of my all time favorite online boutiques, Impressions, has the best selection of the "little white dress" that I have ever come across. They have so many styles and selections to choose from! Whether you are headed to your engagement pictures, bridal showers, honeymoon, bachelorette party or rehearsal dinner, they have the dress for you! 

If you're a bride-to-be I have some pretty exciting news! I have teamed up with Impressions to giveaway $50 gift card so you can so you pick out a dress and get glammed up for one of your upcoming events! The giveaway is going to be held on my Instagram (kotineru) tonight at 7:00pm PST and it's super easy to enter. All the details and rules be listed on Instagram once the giveaway is live. Good Luck, ladies!!

Xo, Kayla