Monday, March 30, 2015

.Hot Pink Tunic & A Giveaway.

Leggings, c/o Preggo Leggings // Tunic, c/o Impressions Boutique // Sunnies, Forever 21 {under $6!}// Sandals, Just Fab // Necklace, old {similar here} // Bracelets, c/o INPINK Style & J.Crew {old, obsessed with this one & it's 30% off with code SPRINGSTYLE} // Belt, Target // Lipstick, MAC 'St. Germain'

When I say that these leggings are heaven sent I am not exaggerating. They answered all my fashion prayers as far as comfort. You would think finding a pair of pregnancy leggings would be an easy task...wrong! I have tried all kinds and all different price points. These are, without a doubt, my favorite. They are not at all see through, don't loose their color even after many washes, and feel like you are wearing you favorite pj's. All the while still looking stylish! I really couldn't ask for more when shopping for leggings. I plan on wearing them in the weeks after baby is here too.

Another item I have been loving is this hot pink tunic from Impressions boutique. It's my first piko tunic and totally won't be my last. It's so soft and comfortable. It comes in every color imaginable and also in a shorter version. I chose the longer version because after baby is here I can wear it as a dress. It's super light so it would be perfect summer nights. 

I have great news for all your mamas to be. Preggo Leggings has been so kind and they are graciously giving away a $60 shop credit to one lucky mama! So you could get yourself a pair of leggings or two and see what all the hype is about. You could also get that adorable "Preggo Is The New Black" sweater that I wore on the blog here. I think it's an absolute must for every fashionable expecting mama! It's extremely simple to enter, just head over to Instagram and make sure you are following myself {here} and Preggo Leggings {here}. Comment on my photo from today and tell me what you craved while you are/were pregnant. It's that easy! Winner will be announced Wednesday, April 1st on Instagram. Good Luck!!

{In the meantime if you want to do some shopping on Preggo Leggigns website here's a 20% off coupon: Adarlingdream20}
XoXo, Kayla

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Friday, March 27, 2015

.33 & 34 Week Baby Bump Update.

{Behind the scenes at our maternity photo shoot over the weekend. Flower crown c/o Little Fox Flower Shop}

I know I say this often but really where has the time gone?? I've heard the last month or so kind of drags so I'm hoping things stay moving along. I have definitely felt very pregnant these last two weeks. I have even noticed that my belly has dropped slightly. All little signs that we are getting closer and closer to the end!

{Due Date} May 2, 2015

{Gender} Sweet baby girl!

{Name} Her initials are KGS

{Baby's Size} About the size of a cantaloupe. On average she's about 4 3/4 pounds & 18 inches long. I swear she's bigger than that. When ever she moves or kicks it kind of takes my breath away! 

{Sleep} Sleep....a thing of the past! While over the past couple weeks I felt like this was getting better, that quickly changed! By the time I get comfortable, it's about time to wake up to go pee! I try to hold it as long as I can, but that's torture. On top of tossing and turning, the leg cramps, and pee breaks, we have a freaking rooster & dog across the street that will NOT shut up!! Yes, you heard me right, a rooster!! I have decided I could never live on a farm.

{Cravings} Sweets, sweets, and more sweets :) Even after weeks of craving all things sweet, it still blows my mind because before this pregnancy I never had much of a sweet tooth! I also have been craving a veggie sandwich with avocado almost everyday for lunch! The sad thing is that I have been craving a Dr. Pepper with it too. I have never been much of  a soda drinker, like maybe 1 soda every 6 months. But, now I crave it! Don't worry, this is the one craving I have been trying with all my might not to give into. I allow myself to have one every now and then, but I try to stick to sparkling water. Speaking of, Arrowhead has this flavor "Watermelon & Lime" and it's out of this world delicious! For all you none pregnant peeps, it would totally make a yummy cocktail!!

{Food Aversion} Nothing has really been bothering me. One of my coworkers does eat tuna a lot and the smell has been quite annoying! I think it should be an office rule that you're not allowed to eat tuna in the office more than once a week ;)

{Feeling} Hmmm..all over the place! I have to say that for the most part I feel like myself emotionally. I'm usually in a great mood and don't feel grumpy. There are moments though where the hormones do take over. For instance, we were sitting in a parenting class the other night when the teacher was talking about C-sections. She was mentioning if for some reason we have to get one, that Tyler would have to do skin to skin with the baby while they put me back together. The whole time she was talking about I thought I was going to cry. I had that lump in the throat feeling. I don't even know why! It has to be the hormones, right?! 

{Missing Anything} This is always a tough question for me to answer every week. There's really nothing that I miss that much that out weighs carrying around our little girl. Truthfully, it's all worth it! Even the swollen feet and lack of sleep :)

{Baby Girl Fashion Finds} I was in Old Navy the other day, I know shocking! haha. They had baby espadrilles 50% off. They were way too cute to pass up. I ended up getting a pair of denim peep toes that have a cute little bow on top. They aren't online but these white ones are adorable too! I also died over this floral denim jacket! I was a good girl and didn't get it, but I may have to make a trip back because I think baby girl needs it for summer, right?! Loving this & this too!

{Best Moment Of The Week} We had the hospital tour at the beginning of the week. I had been looking forward to this ever since I booked it about 2 months ago. We got to go everything we need to know from where to park, where to check in depending on the time of day, and we even got to see the rooms! While we there I kept reminding myself that in a little over a month we were going to be there. Pinch me :)

Another moment that I absolutely loved was taking our maternity photos this past weekend. This was something that I dreamed about ever since the moment I found out we were expecting. The day was perfect. We shot in two locations, both completely different and equally dreamy. Our photographer, Jessie Morgan was an absolute doll and made the day a blast. We should have the pictures back shortly and I can't wait to share them with you guys!

{Looking Forward To} Having a weekend that isn't jam packed with plans. We have had something every weekend since the beginning of the year. This is our last weekend that we have no plans before our little ones due date too. I'm really looking forward to relaxing, getting organized, and starting some baby laundry! Never thought I would look forward to washing clothes.

XOXO, Kayla

Previous Baby Bump Bump Updates:

20 Week // 21 Week // 22 Week // 23 Week // 25 Week
 27 Week // 28 & 29 Weeks // 30 Week // 31 Week // 32 Week

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

.Boho Feeling.

Dress, Target  {not online, loving this & this & this} // Sandals, Nordstrom {also dying to add these to my closet!} // Necklace, J.Crew {old, similar pave style, here} // Bracelets, c/o INPINK style, J.Crew {old, obsessed with this one!} // Lip Gloss, NYX 'Beige' // Nails, Essie 'Splash of Grenadine' 

This past Saturday the weather was perfect and we spent most of our day by the coast. We had a pretty long day packed with fun activities. Since it was going to be warm, and I get hot so easy these days, I knew I wanted to wear a little sun dress. I've mentioned many times on here and Instagram that I have been trying to shop with my after pregnancy body in mind. Being so close to the end I don't want to spend a lot of money on Maternity clothes. On Friday I was doing a "quick" Target run when I browsed in the ladies section. This dress immediately caught my eye! I was pretty excited when I tried it on and it fit. I do have to be careful these days because my belly can make dresses look a little too short and that's not cute! I love the boho feeling this dress has. It was under $25 too which makes me love it even more! It also comes in a skirt version that's pretty cute.

Between the weather and all the new spring lines hitting stores, I am dreaming of new items to add to my wardrobe! I'm obsessing over this dress and this dress for after the baby is here! My cousin wore the pink dress to my shower and it was adorable! The perfect summer dress, it looked like something you should wear in Palm Desert!

XOXO, Kayla

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

.32 Week Baby Bump Update.

Dress, c/o Pink Blush Maternity {exact style sold out, loving this & this} // Necklace, c/o Striped Boutique // Bracelets, J.Crew, J.Crew {old} // Sunnies, Karen Walker

How perfect is this daisy dress for spring?! Pink Blush Maternity did it again with this little number. With the insane heat wave we have been having here in San Diego, I've basically been living in dresses!  It's nice to have cute options like this one hanging in my closet. It would also make the perfect Easter dress. I also think this gorgeous necklace was made to wear with it!

{Due Date} May 2, 2015

{Gender} Sweet baby girl!

{Name} Her initials are KGS

{Baby's Size} According to my apps, she's about the size of a large papaya, jicama, or a Honeydew melon. It feels like she's the size of a watermelon! Her movements this week have gotten even more intense. They're my favorite because I know she's growing and healthy, but man sometimes they can almost take your breath away.

{Sleep} No complaints as far as falling and staying asleep! I really think it's because we have so much going on, once I lay down my body is just ready to go to sleep. The only thing that's a little hard is getting out of bed. When I wake up in the morning or for a pee break it feels like I have been sleeping on rocks! My back is just not in a happy place right now.

{Cravings} My sweet tooth is in full force and I think getting crazier! I've been munching on left over cake from our shower most of the week. Don't worry I balance it out with fruits and veggies.

{Food Aversion} Still None!

{Feeling} Great! I'm feeling a lot better and way less stressed than I did last week. I owe a lot of this to Tyler. He's so good at not letting things get to him and has such a positive outlook on everything! He keeps me sane :) This week I have been pretty tired.  It has gotten a little harder to get out of bed in the morning. We still go to bed rather early (around 9:00pm) but 5:45am always seems to roll around too early in the morning. I am looking forward to sleeping in one day this weekend! God willing, it always seems like we wake up early on the weekends even if we try to sleep in haha.

{Missing Anything} Kind of a funny one this week, but I miss being able to shave my legs normally. I have reached the point where I have to sit down in the shower to achieve this task. I use coconut oil as shaving cream so it does get a little slippery. That mixed with my big huge belly in the way is a recipe for disaster ;)

{Baby Girl Fashion Finds} Basically every single outfit we received at the shower!! 

{Best Moment Of The Week} The best moment hands down was baby girl's baby shower this past weekend! The day was magical and just perfect. My mom, Tyler's mom, and Aunt really out did themselves. They made my vision come to life and I couldn't have asked for a better day. I am so thankful for all our loved ones that came out and celebrated our little miracle! She is beyond loved already and sure did get spoiled! Girlfriend has the best wardrobe already. I can't wait to see her wear all her little outfits!! I plan on sharing some pictures and details from the shower shortly here on the blog!

Another note worthy moment this week was my 32 week check up. We discussed my birth plan and went over what would happen at the next appointment. My doctor informed me that we only have two more appointments and if there's no progress by the end of week 38, we schedule my induction date! I can't believe we are about 6-7 weeks away from meeting our little girl!! 

XOXO, Kayla

Previous Baby Bump Bump Updates:

20 Week // 21 Week // 22 Week // 23 Week // 25 Week
 27 Week // 28 & 29 Weeks // 30 Week // 31 Week

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Monday, March 9, 2015

.Preggo Is The New Black.

Sweatshirt, c/o Preggo Leggings // Jeans, c/o Pink Blush Maternity // Necklace, c/o Le Boutique Shop // Midi Ring, c/o INPINK Style //Bracelets, J.Crew {not online, loving this one!}, c/o INPINK Style {obsessed!} // Sandals, Sam Edelmen // Sunnies, Karen Walker // Lips, Revlon 'Sweet Tart' // Nails, OPI 'Mod About You'

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. Mine was absolutely amazing! I had my baby shower on Saturday and got to spend the day with 70 of our family and friends. Baby girl is already SO loved! The day was perfect. I couldn't have dreamed of a more beautiful day!! I'm so anxious for her to be here and put her in all the adorable outfits she got. Girlfriend already has the cutest wardrobe!! I'll most likely be sharing some shower pictures in the coming weeks here on the blog.

Today I'm very happy to be teaming up with my fav pregnant gal pals again! Each of us are styling a piece from Le Boutique Shop. I will link everyone below so you can you take a peek at their looks!

You know when you put a outfit on and you just think "yes, I love it and I want to wear this everyday!"?! Well, that's exactly how I felt when I styled this look! First, this necklace is almost too perfect for words. It's such a statement piece. I have tried it on with just about everything {that still fits, lol} in my wardrobe. It's the perfect piece for a dressy night out, but I adore the way it looks with this laid back look. I'll always be a fan of a tee shirt or sweatshirt paired with a blingy statement necklace! Next, I have mentioned on here about 100 times how much I love my Pink Blush Maternity jeans. They have been one of the biggest life savers in my wardrobe since my belly popped. They're comfortable and stylish. I was thrilled when I received these distressed ones! I know I'll be living in them in the weeks leading up to my delivery. Last, but most certainly not least, this sweatshirt!! I'm obsessed! The night we took these photos we ran into the grocery store to pick up a couple items and I can't tell you how many compliments I got. Everyone was stopping me left and right to tell me how cute it was! The funny thing about it is I really feel the statement is true. Everyone around me is pregnant! I love it :) #bringonthebabies 

I also wanted to let you know in on a little secret...there's a pretty epic giveaway for all you mamas or mamas to be that's going to happen tonight!! Make sure to check my Instagram at 5:00pm so you don't miss out!! 

Alia at Little Mrs. Priss
Jessica at Afternoon Style
Sarah at Sew Sarah R
Ashley at Raspberry Glow
Elle at Living in Color in Style
Lindsay at Middle of Somewhere

XoXo, Kayla 

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Friday, March 6, 2015

.31 Week Baby Bump Update.

Dress, Old Navy {on sale!} // Necklace, c/o Le Boutique Shop {full post coming next week}// Bracelets, J.Crew {old, loving this colorful option!}, c/o INPINK {so obsessed!} // Sunnies, Karen Walker (25% off with code: BIGEVENT25) // Lips, Revlon 'Sweet Tart'

I have to take a minute to gush over this dress. As the end of my pregnancy draws closer and closer, I have really made it my mission to find dresses that I can wear after the baby is here too. I do wear a lot of maternity clothes {Pink Blush Maternity being my go to!} because let's face it they are so comfortable and usually the most flattering. I'm a planner though, and the thought of having nothing to wear once our girl is here freaks me out. Old Navy has not disappointing me this far in finding pieces that I can wear after. With Spring quickly approaching and higher temps, I know I am going to want to live in little dresses. I highly suggest checking out Old Navy! If you're pregnant or not they have some super cute options right now! This dress is one of my favorites that I have picked up so far. I love the polka dots, duh! But it's also very, very comfortable. Which is a high priority on my list right now. I'm also going to link a couple other options from Old Navy at the bottom of this post that I'm lusting over, either for now or after our girl is here and I can wear normal clothes again. Now on to the baby bump update.....

{Due Date} May 2, 2015

{Gender} Sweet baby girl!

{Name} Her initials are KGS

{Baby's Size} About the size of a coconut. Fun fact, she's going to be heading into a growth spurt. It's possible that she could gain about a 1/2 pound a week from now until birth. This is blowing my mind because I really don't think my belly can get much bigger!!

{Sleep} About the same as last week. When I finally fall asleep it's great! I average about 2-3 pee breaks a night depending on how much water or tea I have before bed. When I wake up in the morning it feels like I slept on rocks all night. My back is not loving life right about now!

{Cravings} I haven't had any strong cravings this week. I am still loving my sweets. I wonder if this will stick around after she here or if I'll go back to salty/spicy!? A Veggie sandwich has been sounding extra delicious too. I've had a couple for lunch and they definitely hit the spot :)

{Food Aversion} At this point nothing full on grosses me out anymore. It is weird though, one week something sounds amazing then the next I could care less about it.

{Feeling} If I am being completely honest, extremely overwhelmed! Like I said in my last baby bump update, moving while being pregnant is not ideal and should seriously be illegal. Trying to juggle work, blogging, helping plan a baby shower, and life in general can be a little much while in your last trimester! I've made it out alive so I'm not complaining :) I am really looking forward to a mani/pedi and relaxing this weekend though!

{Missing Anything} My shoes still!! Gosh, I just haven't made peace with the fact that I can't fit into most of them anymore. Last night we made a trip to Nordstrom because I had NO shoes to wear! I needed comfortable and cute sandals. I finally went with these ones. They feel like you are walking on pillows. My feet are thankful :) I'm also missing spicy food. Life is just not as exciting without spice. But let me tell you, heartburn is a real B word if you know what I mean!

{Baby Girl Fashion Finds} I am still really trying to be good and not buy the baby anything until after the shower. I want to see what she gets and then we can fill in the gaps! It's beyond hard though! One of our favorite stores to shop at is for sure Baby Gap. Tyler doesn't even complain when I pull him in there. I have my eye on this romper & dying over this shirt dress. Can I have those in my size too, please?! Gosh, I can't wait to twin my little mini.

{Best Moment Of The Week} Preparing for baby girl's baby shower this coming weekend! As strange as it may sound, sometimes I don't think it's fully hit me that I am pregnant. This past week has been filled with meetings and prepping everything to make sure her shower is perfect. It has made my pregnancy feel more "real"! I'm super excited to spend the day celebrating her with all the people I love!

XOXO, Kayla

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

.30 Week Baby Bump Update.

Oh gosh, what an insane week this has been! I'm a couple days late getting this post up, since technically Saturday I was 31 weeks, but you are going to have to excuse the tardiness. This has maybe been the hardest week so far. We had to move, so that had a lot to do with it. Moving while you are pregnant should be illegal, just saying! I'm very, very happy to have that behind us even though we may be doing it again next month. I'm going to enjoy these couple weeks of relaxation before the craziness starts up again! 

{Due Date} May 2, 2015

{Gender} Sweet baby girl!

{Name} Her initials are KGS

{Baby's Size} About the size of a large cabbage

{Sleep} When I can fall asleep, I sleep pretty hard. Besides the occasional pee breaks, it hasn't been bad at all. Thank the Lord :)

{Cravings} Big salads with ranch dressing. There's an Italian place by my work and I got the same salad with ranch 4 out of 5 days this week. Yum!! Still loving sweets too.

{Food Aversion} None that I can think of.

{Feeling} This week has brought back a lot of the symptoms I remember from the first trimester. The heartburn is at an all time high. Seriously, I get it from just about anything I eat now and even hours after I eat. There's really no controlling it at this point. I also have the feeling like I need to pee just about every 30 minutes. She's really low so that's most likely why. I have to admit that my hormones have been making me a little crazy this week too. I have caught myself having some serious mood swings. I think a lot of it has to do with being overwhelmed with moving.

{Missing Anything} Hmm... I could have gone for a glass of wine this week!

{Baby Girl Fashion Finds} I'm still loving on Etsy. I could spend hours shopping all the neat shops. This week I came across Haute Bellies Shop. Everything is covered in glitter and I just about died because I needed everything. Well I just really need this! I'm a sucker for anything that says the word darling on it. I'm trying to be a good girl though. We have our shower coming up so I told myself I couldn't buy anything until after that! Trust me, it's been extremely hard!

{Best Moment Of The Week} Despite all the chaos that went on and not feeling too great this week, nothing compares to the precious moments I still get to have with our little one. The best moment has to be how active she has been. I've said it before, but I swear she has dance parties in my belly. The movements are so much more intense now. I love laying down and watching my belly move all over the place. It looks like girlfriend is doing the wave. It is so neat to watch!

XOXO, Kayla

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